Donate Blood to Save Lives!

ConnectLife has declared a blood emergency. There is currently a less than one-day supply of type O blood and a two-day supply of all other blood types. Please know there is NO wait time to donate blood after receiving the #COVID19 vaccine. Make an appointment to donate at or call 716-529-4270. In addition, please spread the word: HANCI, Americorps … Continued

Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)

Sponsored by HANCI since 1972, The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) matches volunteers age 55 and older with exciting volunteer opportunities throughout Niagara County. RSVP volunteers help approximately 50 Niagara County not-for-profit, public agencies and organizations, donating over 80,000 hours of service each year. In becoming an RSVP volunteer, you will join more than 400 other … Continued