You can make a difference! Please consider making a financial contribution to HANCI. We rely on support from individuals and businesses to provide the best possible programming and services to those we serve. Your tax-deductible donation goes a long way to help the seniors, children, and families that we support each day, giving us more flexibility and resources to meet their needs. We can assure you that your donation, whatever its size, will be put to good use and will be a tremendous help to HANCI, our clients, and the communities we serve!

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How Your Donations Makes a Difference

When you make a tax-deductible gift to HANCI, you will be
helping us expand our community outreach, programming and services. This includes services provided for seniors through our Volunteer Center (such as RSVP, Senior Companion and Foster Grandparent) and the Council for Older Adults.

You will also allow us to continue our intergenerational programming, keeping our youngest and oldest generations connected. Intergenerational programs are fun for everyone involved and they build relationships that not only benefit our youth with knowledge and advice, but also the seniors with sharing memories and making new connections. Society as a whole benefits from intergenerational programming and we are committed to
doing more!

Ways to Donate

Employee Programs at Your Work Place or School:

  • Employee Contribution
  • Corporate Matching of Employee Contribution
  • Dress Down Days

4e28f702-fe04-4262-b141-8cfeb529adabPlanned Giving:

  • Bequests
  • Tribute Gifts

Institutional Giving:

  • Corporations
  • Foundations
  • Government Agencies

You can also make a general contribution, a memorial donation in remembrance of a loved one or colleague, or designate a person or event you would like to honor by donating to HANCI. Remember, your donation is tax deductible!

Please send your donations to the address below and be sure to include a return address so we may acknowledge receipt of your contribution and communicate our thanks for your generous support.


Attn: Kevin Dafoe, CFO

1302 Main Street

Niagara Falls, NY 14301