HANCI’s mission to keep people living safely at home has never been more important. With the protection of our clients and caregivers as our highest priority during the Coronavirus pandemic and always, we have mobilized our team so we can stay on the front lines, providing the highest level of care to our clients – safely. If you are the type of person who rises to the occasion and wants to make a real difference in the lives of others through your work, WE WANT TO MEET YOU!
As a personal care aide with HANCI, you will be joining one of the five fastest growing jobs according to AARP. You can also earn a good living with benefits, work flexible hours that you choose, and you can change lives for the better as part of your job.
Personal Care Aides (PCA’s) provide essential care to enable seniors and those with disabilities to reside safely in their homes and continue to participate in their communities. They also provide help and assistance to caregivers. As a member of our home care team, you will be valued, respected and heard.
Skills you will learn in HANCI’S FREE PCA classes include personal care skills, safety and injury prevention, nutrition and meal preparation, working with people with disabilities, budgeting and working with children. Once you have successfully completed the class and obtained your New York State Department of Health PCA certification – you will be eligible for immediate employment at HANCI. Both full-time and part-time positions are available.
Classes for the next FREE training session run from 9 am to 3 pm on November 29, Dec 1, 2, 6 & 8 at HANCI, 1302 Main Street, Niagara Falls. You must attend all days to earn your certification.
If you are interested in learning more about HANCI’s free PCA training classes, please call 716-285-8224. Ext. 239 to start the application process. HANCI recognizes and rewards our PCAs who set and maintain the highest standards of excellence. Join our caring team today!